Friday, December 28, 2012

which resolution should i break?

hmmmm....what to do for a new years resolution??

well, i can choose from any of the below and they would all make a pretty good change.
help a sister out-which should i do? i'm only choosin one here so let's make it a good one.
we've got 3 days people!!!

-no more diet coke and red vines for lunch (well, not "no more" but maybe a little less than usual)
not my photo- see other people know the deal!!!

-get better at keeping up with my hair appointments. i loved when ombre was in, people thought i had the best ombre around.....hmmm, that would actually be a magnificent combo of laziness and roots. shhh, don't tell.

-watch less reality t.v. (this one sucks, please don't vote for this one, how else does one make themselves feel better about who they are?)

-use those just dance wii games a bit more. i should work on looking more like i am "breakin it down" than "broke down".

-make this cat have another expressions than the, "i live with idiots" look that he is clearly captain of. (seriously, enlarge the photo and check out that look-he hates us....)

-ease up on the sideline cheering at my daughter's soccer games. i get loud. 1st step is admitting it. i just get excited. maybe staying in my seat is a more attainable resolution here. 

-learn to play the harmonica. okay, not really, just seeing if you're still reading this.

really, maybe we should all be more like my mom pat who says, "i'm not doing a resolution, i'm perfect as i am, i like myself."

mama pat

maybe that's the best resolution of all. like yourself the way you are. 
red vines for everyone!!!


  1. LOL definitely learn the harmonica haha. JK.

    I must say your mom's sounds like the best idea.

  2. Ha, ha. Love your final conclusion. Happy New Year!

  3. I am no longer allowed to open my mouth at my daughters games. I am embrassing and a bit too vocal I guess. I think I am just her biggest fan!! I love the last one, be happy for who you are!

    1. i get excited when she scores!! what can we do right??!! well, i will work onthat one but doubt i would be completely successful. :)

  4. The cat's expression will never change! HA HA! My cat thinks she lives with idiots 24/7. :-)

    1. i know he just "deals" with us because we feed him.....

  5. Mama Pat has got it figured out! I'd say go with her philosophy. If that doesn't work, there's always the harmonica.

    1. mama pat always has it figured out- always listen to your mama right?!

  6. this is the best new years resolution post i've read!! I love red vines and diet coke (my favorite fat free teeth destroyers) and I love the kitty cat expression and I love Mama Pat's attitude. And her facial expression! Too funny. And personally, I stopped with the New Year's resolutions years ago haha.
    Leslie (aka gwen moss)

    1. yeah, im thinking mama pat has it pretty figured out- i should probably slow down on the red vines but, thats kinda a bummer, we only live once right??

  7. Red wine for everyone!!! Cheers! New Years resolutions are overrated

    1. red vines are much more fun than a resolution!

    2. Oh my gosh, did Jen just turn your "red vines" into red wine-- ooh I love a good magic trick! Red wine for everyone!!! =)

      Happy 2013 to ya!

  8. Great picks for new year resolution , I thought this year people would stick on lose-my-weight.But the Just Dance game would be the best part to be picked :)
    New follower as well :D
    Noor @ Noor's Place

  9. Great New Years resolutions,I'm trying to cut down on red wine and play more Wii games too. All the best for 2013 :)

  10. Great resolutions and drinking red wine is good for you!!

  11. Sorry, but I detest reality TV. It gives the worst message to society: if you don't like someone, it's okay to be rude and publicly shame them. I think people have become meaner since the invention of reality TV, and I'd like to see it off the air permanently.

  12. I'm going with the last option - like yourself more.:) Sounds like a good one for us all!
