Wednesday, October 31, 2012

day 2 - halloween!!

day 2 of
7 threads, 7 ways, 7 days:

nonchalant photo bombing

got up extra early so i could help get my girls "halloween ready" today for school.

the biggest little went as minnie mouse-her version as you can see.
her nails are super cute. red with white polkas!

the littlest little went as a toddlers and tiara's girl.

she won of course
she even had a "toddler moment"...nothing a few early morning pre-pageant pixie stix couldn't fix

my son. oh that boy. he is just so darn easy. love that about him! he went as the sun drop dude.
im sure he will be "droppin' it like it's hot" allll day long, how can he not, he is mine ya know!

now get on out there and get yer mama some candy. don't even think about bringin' me back some abba zabba or smarties, i want the good stuff!
oh yes, i raid, it's for the safety of the children you know.
it's very easy to hide a razor in twix or 100 grand bars, oh, gummi bears, yes, those can be highly dangerous.

good thing i am there to take them and 'discard' of them.
keepin' kids safe one mini candy bar at a time!
happy halloween!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

day 1 and oh those magical words....

day one:

"mama, i volunteered you to make a hawaiian guava cake for school."
isnt she cute?

random panicky thoughts run through my head as i try to figure out why my cute little volunteered me for a cake with all kinds of steps!! and why the heck my child can't just put me down for napkins?!!
nooo, it has to be a cultural food. next time let's go with your danish side so i can get on over to the grocery store and grab a box of puff pastry.

ok, well, lemme see. if i get up at 5:45 i can start the cake, it can cool while i am at work then i can get home and make the cream cheese layer. in the morning i can wake up and apply the guava gel layer then i can send her out the door with it.  yes, that's how i'll do it.... sigh.

i guess one can't really blame her, it is the best cake ever!

linking up today with real girl glam

Monday, October 29, 2012

7 threads, 7 ways, 7 days

i have some exciting news!!!

i'm pregnant!!! just kidding. man that never gets old, i get ya at least twice a year!!!
that's my friend, pointing to me, the one with the news.

the real exciting news is that i've decided to give myself a lil challenge here. falling off the edge of the seat aren't ya?!!

remember thirty threads? if you didn't just click on that link you should. you should go back now, click it, then come back again. don't get stuck too long coz i still have the challenge to explain.
ok, well, i've been asked to do a winter version which i may still do later but honestly 30 days of dressing up in something diff every day AND making my hairdid look nice? well, right now i'm a bit too crazy at work to coordinate 30 days of anything.

so i came up with 7 threads where i'm gonna choose 7 articles of clothing and mix them 7 different ways for 7 days. i won't count shoes or any accessory like scarves, necklaces, you get the picture.

this technique (lets call it technique coz it makes me sound a bit more profesh right??) will be good practice for my upcoming trip to rome. (well, currently there is no trip to rome but my hawaiian reads this blog so let's plant this seed now shall we?) where i should pack light so i can shop and bring lots of pieces of europe home with me. i think i just heard a "hells yeah" up in this blogosphere!!!

ok, gettin down to biz.
i'm gonna start tomorrow and here are the 7 articles of clothing i've chosen:

it's harder than you think and no, you can't go pantsless one day pretending a shirt is a dress, trust me, i had that thought too.....