Friday, September 28, 2012

aloha friday comin' atcha!

i kinda wanna be right there, right now, all day. you too??

so most of yesterday was spent with me thinking it was friday. i do that a lot. it's a sucky sucky moment when your entire world comes crashing down all around you as you realize no, no in fact it isn't friday-close, but no cigar. 
its thursday. 
well, at least it wasn't wednesday right?? 
gotta find that silver lining!

this was a busy week with all kinds of good stuffs!!!

-the biggest little started her SAT classes. these are gonna make her all kinds of smart, prepared "almost" college girl. she probably won't leave my house because you see umbilical cords dont really stretch all that far but we are workin' on it.
keala with victoria the on set teacher. this is a perk of having kids on set- a teacher to help them!!

-spent 3 days filming for our show- you can read about the excitement here!!
exhausting work! you wouldn't think it but for me, just having to do my hair and make up and stand up straight is really like tough work. oh, and i had to wear heels, i wasn't my usual barefoot self for 3 whole days! 3 days!! 
car cam-this can be tricky coz you have to remember to keep your road rage down to a dull roar

-the littlest little had a great soccer game and wasabi girls won. yeah! i pretty much stayed in my seat most of the game. whose proud of me??? huh? 

-the dawgs won against stanford last night! yea!!! they said they wouldn't win. they said they had no chance. they underestimated the men in purple. they shouldn't do that.

-might be planning to see a few of my fav northwest peeps in the next month or so.

-no, shane is not completely sold on being bill to my sookie for halloween but im still workin on it and it may be looking up.

-i am also still working shane on my pet pot bellied pig. i have good feelings....

i mean come on! its a hawaiian pig!

-it's aloha friday, no work til monday...nuf said!

-oh, as a special treat that will make you feel like you truly are the best mom on earth, today i leave with with one of my favorite video moments from a toddlers and tiara's mom.


spread the aloha today y'all!!!


  1. Happy Friday!!

    Filming for the style network! HOW AWESOME!!!

    Have a great weekend!

    ♥ Shar

  2. Oh we are so on the same wave length. I work up this morning thinking it was Saturday...HUGE FAIL!
    However I would love to be in that hammock and enjoying some time at the beach.

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

    1. somehow the hammock in my back yard just isn't the same as that one!!! hmmm....must get to the beach!

  3. Yay for Friday and for filming something cool!
    xx - Monica

  4. Lol, I mix up days all the time. Usually because I'm stressed about something!! You have a TV show?? Fantabulous!! Good luck, and many congrats!!

    1. unfortunately i never wake up thinking it's a week day and its actually a week-end! it's always a bummer!! and thank you so so much for the congrats!!!!

  5. I love Fridays! Two whole days of doing what I want to do - no interruptions!


    1. fridays, saturdays, sundays! three of my top fav words!!! :)

  6. Aloha! That pig...oh too funny. And a big hug-filled mahalo for linking up on Photo Friday! Hope to see you next week! Have a great weekend!

    1. i do need a pig!!! im still workin on him. oh and i meant to link a different actual photo post but messed up-oops! there is always next friday right?? have a good one!

  7. Replies
    1. absolutely!!! my happy days!!!! :) have a wonderful week-end!!

  8. Would love to see you at Super Sunday Sync today!

  9. bwuahah, the pig is a gem. :) Found you on the blog hop and I'm following. Happy end of the weekend.

  10. I hate the let down of the wrong day feeling.
    And I love being barefoot!=)

  11. Too bad I'm reading this on Monday. So not the same feeling !! ;( Great Huskie win there, such a crazy one too. OH and I hate when you have days that feel like they should be Friday and turn out to only be Thursday.
