Monday, March 11, 2013

these moments

the more i blog the more i realize just how important this will one day be to my littles, and their littles and their littles....

the more i blog the more i recognize i have so much to say but so little at the same time.

what or who am i blogging for is a question i silently ask myself. then it's clear. these are the moments that i know need to be somewhere other than just a memory in my head.


  1. It's so true, there are days where I'm like, "Why am I blogging?" but then I remember my kids will ALWAYS have it! :)

  2. Very true. Blogging is this weird sort of thing where you are able to vent and share little bits and pieces of your life and at the same time create a visual timeline of your life and your family's life as you all grown and love and live. I think it will be quite amazing to look back at these old posts when your littles are not little anymore and just see how they grew and how you've changed and grown as a person. Quite beautiful.
