Tuesday, September 18, 2012

the one where i complain about how much i don't like packing lunches

my least favorite thing about kids being in school is waking them so early. they all wake up very easily (thankfully) but this means i am up too. but a very close 2nd is the packing of the lunches.

i do this the night prior because i am too busy tapping my veins for my coffee drip at 5:45 am. to try to remember who likes what this week.

typical convo with my biggest little:

b.l.: (walks in kitchen looks at lunch.) ugghhh. moooooom. i don't like these crackers anymore.
me: oh, but you just asked me to buy them on sunday.
b.l.: that was 3 days ago. im sick of them already.
me: hmmm, well, uh, okay. i mean, i bought a box of 50 at costco soooo. ok, well maybe someone will want 47 peanut butter cracker packs.......
b.l.: well you should check with me everyday.
me: okay, i will try to do that. can you remind me? if you dont remind me you will probably get what you don't want.
b.l.: uggghhh, pshhht, how am i gonna remember to remind you this every day. i'm sure mom!
me: uggghhh, pshht, how am i gonna remember what you like and dont like every day? i'm sure keala!
b.l.: blink
me: blink (i'm really good at stand-offs)
b.l.: walks out of kitchen
me: put crackers back in lunch bag

littlest little enters the kitchen.

l.l: hi mommy.
me: hi moo
l.l.: (picks up granola bar) i don't like these anymore.
me: ....................................


  1. Bah ha ha... love it, 5:45 drip!! I hear ya girl. Seriously no joke this is why my kids pack their own lunch and then I do the once over before we head out the door. I got tired of them coming home with stuff they wouldn't or didn't eat.

    1. I know!! Or my kids swap items in their lunch with other kids then tell me how " so and so" loved my lunch!!! Helllo!!!

  2. Hahahaha aww bless them (can you tell I don't have kids yet ;) ) - I used to be the same I'd hate something after 3 days and then want it back again after another 3 ;).

    Thank you for stopping by the I Love my Post hop :) I look forward to seeing you again next week.

    Sarah xx

  3. LOL!! My first-grader hasn't gotten there yet, I'm still trying to get him to EAT his lunches, instead of skipping them to go play!

    1. Haha. Yes I guess I do remember that time ( barely)- I often wish mine were that little again!!! Sometimes I even wish they'd eat school lunches but then I see the school lunches and am happy they aren't eating that glop!!!

  4. This is funny. I think it's great that you make him eat what's available. That's what my mom taught me. It made me learn about contentment and satisfaction. :)
